We promote independent living, offering support from person centred staff.

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Mission Statement

The promotion of independent living whilst offering support from person centred staff to maximise skills and abilities and the use of positive behavioural approches.

Aims & Values

What we aim to do:

Support people in a person-centred way – to uphold their own tenancies and live independently and to ensure they are central in the planning of their care and support

Support people to make choices and decisions and follow legislation on the Mental Capacity Act where necessary

Support people to develop and maximise their skills both in and out of the home environment – seek education, employment, etc as they may choose

Support people to develop their friendships and support networks within the community. Ensure that people have the skills to make and maintain these networks and become more independent of our service

Ensure that people have access to tenant meetings, encourage them to express their views and opinions and actively support people to raise concerns & complaints

Ensure that people who use our service receive a high standard of provision that gives them value for money

Encourage the people who use our service to play an active role in how the service is run and the decision making process

Ensure that people have regular access to tenant meetings, encourage them to express their views and opinions

We will do this by:

Ensuring that the people who use our service are support by trained, competent staff. This includes support workers that have undergone a certified Induction process, and, as a minimum received training in Health & Safety, Abuse Awareness, First Aid, Food Hygiene and Manual Handling – as well as undertaking NVQ Level 2. Staff will also be given specialist training where appropriate including – Breakaway, Epilepsy, Dementia, Challenging Behaviour, Communication and so on.

Ensure that all support workers are fully supported by managers who are suitably qualified and experienced. The Registered Manager holds a Registered Managers Award, NVQ 4 in Care and a BA (Hons) in Health Studies & Social Policy. The Assistant Manager has a BSc in Psychology (Hons) and NVQ 4 Leadership & Management Award. The In-House trainer holds an NVQ 3 in Care and is also a qualified NVQ assessor. The office Manager has an NVQ 3 in Business & Administration.

Ensuring that all staff have regular meetings with their direct senior to discuss work practices, training needs and Learning & Development opportunities.

Make certain that our staff, service users, their friends and representatives and our commissioners are consulted on a regular basis about the development of our practices & procedures.

Warrant that we maintain our Quality of Service by regularly reviewing our policies and procedures and conducting Annual Quality Assurance Questionnaires. Quality checks throughout the service take place on at least a monthly basis to ensure a continuous standard of service.

User of the Care Management System from QCS